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Oh Gordon
Wednesday 28th April, 2010 23:24 Comments: 0
It was looking so much better for Labour. ComRes had Conservatives: 36% (up three); Labour: 29% (no change); Lib Dems: 26% (down three). YouGuv had Conservatives 33% (no change); Labour 29% (up 1%); Lib Dems 28% (down 1%). But I'd imagine there will be another shift in the polls following the media hype over Gordon Brown's (two faced) comment and subsequent apology. I'm waiting for the next Conservative poster:

I've never voted Tory before...

To be fair to Gordon, he was probably irritated because some of the things she raised appeared to be based on what she probably reads in the Daily Mail. Gillian Duffy had the following discussion:

GD: But there's too many people now who aren't vulnerable but they can claim and people who are vulnerable can't get claim, can't get it.

PM: But they shouldn't be doing that. There's no life on the dole for people any more. If you're unemployed you've got to go back to work. It's six months...

GD: You can't say anything about the immigrants because you're saying that you're... all these Eastern Europeans what are coming in, where are they flocking from?

PM: A million people come from Europe but a million people, British people, have gone into Europe. You do know that there's a lot of British people staying in Europe as well?

That last sentence of hers started off as gibberish and ended up with a farcical question based on what appeared to be her dislike of the large number of immigrants living in her area. As the actor Simon Pegg stated on Twitter:

Seriously though, where are the Eastern Europeans "flocking in" from? My guess would be Europe, possibly East.

I am annoyed that Sky News decided to broadcast what they'd recorded off-camera, in what was clearly a private conversation (where he called her "a sort of bigoted woman"), but I can appreciate that they had a story and decided to run with it. It seems the BBC would have been unable to run with the conversation if they'd recorded it on one of their microphones (whether that's a good or bad thing, I'm undecided).
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