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Fewer Teens Having Babies
Monday 27th November, 2006 11:57 Comments: 0
A Government strategy to cut soaring rates of teenage pregnancy in England appears to be working. Between 1998 and 2003, under-18 conception rates fell by an average of 2% per year. The net change between the periods 1994 to 1998 and 1999 to 2003 was a fall of 3.2%. Professor Kaye Wellings, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "The fall in conceptions runs counter to the recent trend of stable or increasing rates in some other European countries."

"However, sustained efforts will be needed to address the root causes of teenage pregnancy."

Surely the root cause is that teenagers enjoy having unprotected sex?

It's no surprise when 74% of parents did not know whether their child was sexually active. On top of that, 44% say they have never had an in-depth discussion about sex with their offspring. Also, nearly a quarter of parents are happy for their children to be taught about kinky sex in class: bondage and dogging are among the subjects they approved for discussion in secondary schools; however, 27% of parents do not want homosexuality to be mentioned.
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